Friday, September 16, 2011

Random Friday Facts

1. This has been the best week I've had in months.
2. I think I'm the only one NOT running the Philly 1/2 this weekend.
3. There are now 2 new pairs of shoes added to my collection at my desk. Can't say no to a good sale.
4. I'm learning that patience can pay off in huge ways.
5. Never underestimate the magic powers of a $9 bottle of champagne.
6. Sometimes other people do have a better idea of what is best for you. So listen.
7. Employee expense reports are the bane of my existence.
8. Working someplace with Casual Fridays means I show up unshowered and in yoga pants. Sorry.
9. I never cared for living in this area, yet I'm enrolled in a Masters program that will keep me here at least 2 more years.
10. The weather for my long run tomorrow should be perfect!
11. There are 9 days until my birthday.
12. I still don't feel like I have a career or a grown up job.
13. Everybody needs a good therapist.
14. Cheez-its and beer is a perfectly acceptable post-run dinner.
15. I've never heard of most of the DC places that Groupons are for.
16. After 6 years I've finally made the drive to Tyson's. Still haven't been in the mall.
17. I'm thinking of buying a new couch. It would match the chaise I have.
18. Apparently I'm going skydiving in November. Sorry, mom.
19. I have 4 active email addresses. I don't know why I keep them all.
20. I hate horror movies, I cannot deal with being scared.


  1. I know lots of people not running Philly....I felt that way last year and am so glad to be running it this year!

  2. I'm not running Philly!

  3. I am also not running Philly. And I too hate scary movies. Happy almost birthday!

  4. I love cheeze-its and beer! Perfectly acceptable post run meal. Or pre-run meal! I am not running Philly. Nor do I feel grown up with a grown up job!

    Good list!

  5. I love number 8! So funny! That is what they get for allowing casual Friday. One time I actually wore my PJ pants. No one knew....but me....and I still looked pretty darn good. Haha!

    I hear ya on number 9. I moved to DC for a quick second that turned into 10 I'm married and staying here for a long time...thankfully I love the area now.....

    Get Up & Go
